Friday, April 5, 2013

Paris -April 4/5,2013. Thurs/Fri

Uh-oh  have to note the difference among streets with the same name but a different prefix.  Thursday we decided to explore a nearby neighborhood called les Batignoles.  The map for the walk began on rue du B. but I goofed and we started down Boulevard du B.  After about 10 blocks we arrived at  the metro stop for rue de Rome. Aha, this is not right.  So we turned around to return home, doing some grocery shopping on the way.  At home I compared my walking route with that Paris map and discovered that the boulevard and the rue are roughly parallel but a couple of blocks apart.  It was cold and starting to rain so we will try that walk another day.  One can also encounter th prefix "avenue" and " place" and probably others.  Fait attention!

We ate all meals in today acting like natives.  Had more fish, veggies and fruit again fo lunch and salad with cheese and bread for supper.  Quite similar to our diet at home.

Today, Friday, I tried a new bakery for bread.  No pain aux noix left.  I'll have to get up earlier.  As soon as we finished breakfast, we started to prepare for lunch which is more complicated since I decided on massaman curry with sweet potatoes, rice and another batch of roasted vegetables.  Haven't eaten yet so don't know how it will turn out since I modified the recipe.

This afternoon we will try another outing to buy some museum tickets for next week.

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